Contact Us

Brooklyn Queens Land Trust 30 Third Avenue Room 842 Brooklyn, NY 11217 (Located in the YWCA building)

General Inquiries

If inquiring about a specific garden, please include the name of the garden so we can better assist you.

Volunteer with us ...

regularly at one BQLT garden
Please visit the garden page for the garden you would like to volunteer at and contact them directly.

Note: As we update our website, some of our garden pages do not have this information readily available. Please contact us at or 718.963.7020 for contact information.
regularly at any BQLT garden
Please email us here to be added to a google group for notifications when there is an opportunity available to volunteer for projects at BQLT gardens.

Please also check our garden pages for volunteer information if applicable.*

*Note: As we update our website, some of our garden pages do not have this information readily available. Please contact us at or 718.963.7020 for more information.
with the BQLT Board of Directors
Coming Soon!
at the BQLT office
Please email Domica to learn more about volunteer opportunities at the BQLT office.

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