Another part of BQLT’s Urban & Community Forestry Grant initiatives funded by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation came the planning of an Arbor Day Celebration, which we hope to bring back next year. Thanks to everyone who participated, the event was a big success! Tree care takes a village and it fills us with happiness and hope that our community cares so much about our beautiful neighbors–the trees–and want to give back!
We enjoyed tree identification walks with Arborist Sam Bishop and Ecologist Julian McNamara, where our tree experts taught us different ways to identify street trees.
Participants were able to learn more information about trees like their origins, how the tree ID system came to be, and characteristics that are unique to the trees they saw.
We were able to develop more respect for even dead trees, as in a more natural habitat, some would serve as entire ecosystems of their own.
pictured left: second tree ID walk led by Julian McNara viewing a street tree
The tree stewardship session led by Christina Perdos helped participants learn how to care for street trees. Young trees have a significantly higher mortality rate in the harsh conditions of NYC making care so important in early stages. Impressively, even one care session can greatly improve their survival rate. If a young street tree makes it to maturity, we are able to experience the known benefits of urban forestry.
A visit to Patchen Community Square Garden exposed participants to more green space in the area, led by a community group that’s also doing great work. Matt Berger and other gardeners welcomed participants in a brief intro to the garden and what they’re up to currently.
We caught the tail end of an awareness campaign for a National Week of Action for The National Partners Work Group on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). This campaign called the nation and the world to action in honor of missing and murdered Indigenous women. Read more here.
Central Brooklyn Jazz Consortium connected us with the Dwayne Cook Broadnax trio featuring Eric Lemon on bass, and Paul Odey on keyboard as well as a special guest, Denise King!
Enjoy this recording of the final song played by the band:
All photos unless otherwise noted are by Zachary Schulman. Check out more of his work on his website here.
Stay tuned for more photos! To get involved with the BQLT Tree Committee or learn about other tree workshops, please contact Tree Committee Co-Chair Ashley Cruce (McIntosh Garden, Queens)