In a moving event last fall in Serenity Community Garden, community gardeners gathered with local elected officials Council-member Farah Louis, Council-member Alan Maisel and Assembly-member Helene Weinstein, to celebrate their accomplishments, and unveil a new garden sign which acknowledges Madeline Nelson for her generosity in donating this land to the neighborhood to preserve it as a public green space.
Five years ago, Madeline Nelson approached BQLT with her passion for community gardening and her wish to save some vacant land in her neighborhood for a garden. She generously donated the funds to BQLT to preserve the space as a garden in perpetuity.
It took the combined efforts of the residents in the area who embraced the chance to create a garden for everyone to enjoy, and several years of support from the Land Trust Alliance and elected officials who provided the funds to make the garden safe to grow crops, create a place to relax and for people to gather.
The official unveiling of the BQLT sign gives tribute to Madeline Nelson, elected officials and garden founders who all worked together to bring this community space to life. Click on the images above to expand them.